Wednesday 18 March 2015

Sonia Morales Reveals Why She Can Not Simply Get Enough Of IK Ogbonna

Sonia Morales has finally decide to speak more about her relationship with IK Ogbonna. In a chat with Encomium magazine, she spoke about how she met the actor, how her parents reacted to the news of their relationship and more. Read the full interview below.

How Did You Meet Ik Ogbonna & what Was The Major Attraction?
We have one mutual amazing friend, a girl called Oma. She was just too sure that me and IK would make one perfect match. She introduced him to my instagram page then he did the rest of the work. He asked for my BB pin, next thing he got me on my phone, 24/7. If somebody had told me, I would not have believed. I guess life is full of surprises. Sometimes all we got to do is to follow our intuition. I got to discover a male version of me! It feels too right.
Why Did You Accept His proposal?
I am a very spiritual person. I just know when something is right for me. I never doubted him, not for a second. He makes me happy, he makes me better.
What Do You & IK Share In Common
We are too much alike. If we were from the same country, I would never doubt he might be my long lost twin brother. He knows how I breathe! First time I met a human being that he is capable of reading my mind. We share same vision and point of view when it comes to life, love, success and family. He is my pal of life.
What Was Your Parents Reaction About Dating Him?
They all adore him because of his amazing personality, big heat and the fact that he treats me like a real man should. Every normal parent are happy with their children’s happiness.
When The Doctor Confirmed That You Were Pregnant, What Was Your Reaction?
I had a panic attack for a minute, although we saw it coming. It is all natural.
How Would You Describe Your First Trimester?
Oh Lord! It was difficult! I could not eat at all. Every food on planet earth made me sick.
What Are Some Of The Things That Have Changed About You At This Stage
I feel more confident than ever. I feel matured and complete. It seems I understand life better now.

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