Friday 3 October 2014

P-Square ‘Alingos’ Cartoon Series Goes Bust Because of Brother’s Feud

Some months back everyone was thrilled to watch a 15-second trailer of ‘The Alingos’, an animation series starring the dancing duo of P-Square, developed by animation hot-shop Sporedust.
Well, those expectant individuals (including Moi) can go suck lemons because if the news coming out of the Square Records mansion is anything to go by, then that project is almost entirely up in smoke. *sadface*

The twin’s very public squabbles of recent are to blame for the dying project as the brothers can’t seem to agree on who gets a bigger chunk of the ownership rights to ‘The Alingos’ series.
“P-Square is not only Peter and Paul. P-Square is Peter, Paul and Jude. And from all indications, the big brother gets a cut from almost everything the younger brothers do as P-Square.” Our source tells Fuse.
As the cartoon series central characters are the two dancing siblings, the progenitors of the concept, Sporedust, seem to be having difficulty finding a legally binding spot for the elder brother Jude ‘Engees” Okoye as such rights are required in intellectual property matters.
‘Basically, what they are saying is that if you’re not going to be in the series, you shouldn’t get paid.” Says our anonymous source. But apparently, Jude doesn’t think so.
Jude Okoye’s position in Square Records entitles him to proceeds from the music of the duo but does it cover the proceeds from other endeavors, say a Fashion line or in this case, an animation series?
“It seems so. Because the two brothers are cool with it. But it seems this fight that everyone is hearing about is more about the third one chopping money where he is not working. And that’s why this idea will never see the light of day.”
P-Square recently launched their 5th studio album and you can download it on iTunes.
Not quite certain how the album is doing in the streets but wouldn’t it be awesome if they could have followed it up with an animation series before the year runs out?

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