Friday 23 May 2014

Donald Sterling agrees to allow wife Shelly Sterling to sell the Los Angeles Clippers

Banned-for-life Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling has reportedly agreed to cede control of the organization to his wife, Rochelle "Shelly" Sterling, to negotiate with the NBA on a sale of the franchise that could be worth billions, and that would bring the disgraced Sterling's time as the NBA's longest-tenured owner to a long-awaited end.
TMZ first reported Friday morning that Sterling had "just surrendered control" to Shelly, his wife of 58 years, and that she "is now secretly negotiating with the NBA to sell the team:
Our sources say Shelly and her lawyer, Pierce O'Donnell, have been secretly meeting with NBA Commissioner Adam Silver and NBA lawyers to "resolve the dispute amicably." We're told Shelly realizes the NBA wants the team sold, but she has significantly more leverage and credibility with the league than Donald. Her end game is simple -- she won't object to the sale, but SHE wants to call the shots.
ESPN’s Ramona Shelburne followed up with a report that confirms the main point — Donald's allowing Shelly to take the reins in working out a deal — but still refers to any prospective agreement as a “forced sale” and notes that, since the NBA would have to sign off on Shelly acting as the focal point for decision-making and negotiations, this development likely wouldn't result in Shelly "calling the shots," per se:
Shelly Sterling and her lawyers have been negotiating with the NBA since her husband was banned for life by Commissioner Adam Silver on April 29. While the league has yet to formally accept this arrangement, sources said, if she is willing to sell the team in its entirety, this could bring a startlingly quick end to what appeared to be a protracted legal battle.

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