Tuesday 20 May 2014

Omobaba Describes Endorsement Deals as Slavery

Among the three major sectors in the Nigerian entertainment industry; music, movie, and comedy, comedians do not get endorsement deals as much as others in the other two sectors. Many have wondered why this is happening. 

However, ace comedian, Omobaba, has revealed what he feels the problem is, describing endorsement deals as slavery. He also disclosed that it is a personal choice.

According to Omobaba, “It is a personal choice; I can tell you of two to three people who did not accept brand deals when they were approached. When you look deep into these deals, some of them are slavery. It is better I don’t do it than to do it and create a fake impression for myself. Some of them are making money from it, but for me, I have rejected some offers.”

He went further to say that brand endorsement deals sometimes favour financial needs of some people more than their personal interests. 

He also said, “for some, the business is good, they do it and it pays them while to others, it doesn't pay them, but they still go ahead to sign the contracts, and when knocked down by a brand, other competitive brands will not call you for their events. That’s one thing about endorsement deals. So, before you collect such deals, you check well."

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