Monday 12 May 2014

Donald Sterling Apologizes For Racist Rant

CNN's Anderson Cooper was able to land an interview with billionaire owner of the L.A Clippers Donald Sterlin who recently had being caught up in accusations of racism due to a recorded conversation with his girlfriend which was leaked online.
Donald Sterling in his interview with Anderson Cooper apologized for the comments he made in the conversation with his girlfriend. Read what he says after the cut

"I'm a good member who made a mistake and I'm apologizing and I'm asking for forgiveness," stated Sterling in the interview. "I am not a racist." He continued, "I made a terrible mistake. I'm here to apologize."
"Am i entitled to one mistake?, am i after 35 years? It's a terrible mistake, and I'll never do it again," Sterling said. He also explained that he was "emotionally distraught" following the public leak of his conversation. He went on to say, "I caused the problem. I don't know how to correct it."

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