Tuesday 10 June 2014

'I just can't say no to her!' Read About The Woman Who Is Deliberately Making Her Daughter A Spoilt Brat

This Oyibo people can be so silly with their lives haba! Well according to Daily Mail, Jackie who is just a carer has been forced to take another two jobs just to turn her daughter into a brat, Imagine Jackie with her type of Job buying expensive designer shoes and clothe for her daughter all because she can't say no! Hmm this is strong.

Well accoording to Daily Mail, Jackie is a carer on £6.81 an hour, who has been forced to take another two jobs, including a minimum wage cleaning role, in order to fund her daughter's expensive habits.

'I have a lot of shoes.' 15-year-old Lauren Walsh, from Morecambe in Lancashire, is giving a guided tour of her extensive shoe collection.
'I was begging my mum for these,' she continues, showing off a pair of Hunter wellies, 'and said I'd wear them all the time. 'They were really expensive but I haven't even worn them once. Most of them I don't even wear!'
And it's not just shoes. Lauren, who spends more than £600 a month, also had a wardrobe crammed with designer treats, most of which lie unworn.

'I am soft with the girls,' says Jackie, who also has a younger daughter named Rachel. 'I know  that I'm soft and even my friends will say: "Say no to them Jackie!" but I can't.'
Jackie, who says her philosophy on finance boils down to 'if you've got it, spend it', is currently on the hunt for a fourth job but says making her daughters happy is worth it.
'Lauren just loves shopping but then so do I,' she adds. 'She probably gets that from me. If you've got it, spend it - that's what I say. 
'Nine times out of 10, she does get it, to be fair. She's got me wrapped round her finger somehow.'
Lauren herself is unabashed about her spendthrift ways and cheerfully describes herself as 'spoilt'.
'I think my friends would describe me as spoilt and I don't disagree with them because I know I am,' she laughs.

This is just what i will call Oyinbo doing the darndest thing.

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