Thursday 26 June 2014

#JailBird – Chris Brown In Danger Of Going To Jail AGAIN?!!

American singing sensation, Chris Brown has not heard the last of it with regards to his on-going legal drama. The singer had a setback on his case on Wednesday when a plea deal that was presented to Brown was rejected by the singer. According to sources, Chris Brown rejected a deal to plead guilty to misdemeanor assault and receive a sentence of time served. Brown was arrested in October and charged with misdemeanor assault after a man accused the singer of hitting him when he tried to get in a photograph Brown was taking with two women outside a Washington hotel. At the time, Brown was on probation in California for a 2009 attack on singer Rihanna, his then girlfriend.

Prosecutor Kevin Chambers said in court that Brown rejected a deal to plead guilty to misdemeanor assault and receive a sentence of time served. Brown spent the night in jail in Washington after his arrest and also served time in California after acknowledging he violated probation by committing a crime in Washington. He was released from jail in early June. Apparently, the singer’s attorney, Mark Geragos, said defense lawyerand prosecutors couldn’t agree on a statement of facts about what happened outside the W hotel.
“They wanted him to read from a script that wasn’t true,” Geragos said after the hearing.
Asked what disagreement was over, Geragos declined to say.
The attorneys had been in talks until hours before the hearing, but could not resolve the issue. A trial for Brown was scheduled for Sept. 8. It is expected to take a day and a half.
“If they want a trial, that’s what they’ll get,” Geragos said outside court where fans mobbed Brown, screaming and taking photographs of the singer.
We just hope he makes it through this in one piece.

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