Thursday 25 September 2014

Yollywood Actress Iyabo Ojo Blows The Lid On The Real ‘Source’ Of Income Of Nigerian Actresses…

Iyabo Ojo is definitely blunt about giving us the scoop on the workings of the entertainment industry. In a new interview with Tribune, the actress opened up on the financial returns of actresses in the Yoruba speaking genre of Nollywood movies, stating that the income of actresses per movie is not enough to keep them afloat.

Apparently an actress can actually not survive on their basic movie allowance alone and doesn’t this just makes us remember about some actresses who keep flaunting the ridiculous spending habits in our faces? Telling us that they get all their money from acting (Yimu). If that’s the way it is in the booming Yoruba movie industry i can only imagine how it is with the English genre.

Anyway Iyabo gave light to her own source of survival while still swimming in the gruesome world of the entertainment industry. Check out what she says below.
 ”It is not possible for Yoruba speaking actress to rely on movies alone. How do you want to survive on that? Acting is just something I like to do, whether it is rewarding or not. Like I said, even before I became an actress, I have always been into buying and selling of goods. I was even into property at a particular point. The most important thing in life is to learn how to manage what you have to make the best out of it”

Speaking about how she manages her business alongside her acting career, the actress said,
 ”I have always been a picky actress. I don’t act in all movies that come my way. I try to plan and manage my time very well. If I know I am going to be busy with my business, I won’t take any script for that period. So, I try to draw out a plan for myself in order not to get myself hooked up on one thing while others suffer’. The mother of two owns a beauty salon and spa in Ikeja Lagos and also runs an event management company, Fespris, a combination of the names of her kids, Festus and Priscilla. “

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