Monday 15 September 2014

“I Don’t Pray Or Meditate…” – Idris Elba On His Spirituality As He Covers Rolling Out Magazine

Idris Elba is definitely on a magazine cover roll. The British born actor is the cover star of the new issue of Rolling Out Magazine. The actor opens up about his new movie with Taraji P. Henson and how his love for kids helped him in working with the kids better. He also gave a brief insight into his life as a father and his spirituality. Take a lokk at excerpts from the interview below.

On Being a father the actor said: “I love, love children. I love being a dad; it’s one of the joys of life. In fact, you can take it all away from me tomorrow, but don’t take away my children. That little young girl [Mirage] was such a great little actress. She was also great to work with.”
On the perception he wants his kids to have of him: “I just hope my children grow up saying my dad was my good friend and supporter…I was fair and just, helped them whenever they needed me to. And, that there was love. One thing I am very aware is that I love them and I love to embrace my children. My children know what it is to have a hug and a kiss, be cuddled and feel comfortable. My parents were not cuddlers or kissers, but I am.”
On how he stays Focused? Does he pray or meditate: “I don’t pray. I don’t meditate. I do a lot of deep breathing whenever I get five or 10 minutes. It’s something great about oxygenating your body. It is a real good thing to do in moments of stress, weakness, tiredness…if you give yourself a little oxygen, fill your lungs to capacity and do it eight times, three to four times a day, it really helps. I am a multitasker. In my 24-hour day I am working 19. I get three to four hours of sleep, wake up and then I go again. I rejuvenate by drinking lots of water and doing my breathing exercises.”

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