Wednesday 24 September 2014

Listen Up Joan Rangers! Comedian Kathy Griffin To Replace Joan Rivers On Fashion Police

While the world still mourns the loss of one of the first most successful female comedian Joan Rivers, reports from E! Networks reveals that another fire brand comedienne might take her place and its non other than red headed, 52 year old comedian Kathy Griffin.

According to inside sources, Joan’s daughter Melissa Rivers has agreed to continue to produce her mother’s show and is well aware of the choice for her mother’s replacement.
‘Kathy has been told if she wants the gig she can have it because Melissa wanted someone who her mother would have approved of,’ says the show source. ‘Kathy will probably take the position but they are still working out the deal.’
Melissa is expected to be on the first show of the new season to say a few words about her mother and introduce Kathy Griffin. Kathy Griffin is apparently an award winning comedian who also has two Emmy awards for her show ‘My Life on the D-list’

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