Friday 12 September 2014

Too Much Anaconda? Nicki Minaj’s Old High School Stops ‘Anaconda’ Singer From Speaking To Their Students

So Nicki Minaj wanted to go back to her high school and inspire students there and her new high school principal declined. She felt so bad she took to twitter to air her mind.
I actually wonder why she feels bad about it. Whether or not her music and videos get huge acceptance, truth is no parent wants his/her kid to end up like Nicki. And that Ananconda video? Nah. If were the principal, there’s no way i’m gonna let her anywhere near the kids. Then she went on to say ‘students need all the inspiration they can get’. That very true but inspiration from Nicki? I’m not sure about that.

What would she talk about? Her having to buy ass and boobs to get recognized? Oh Please!
Read Nicki’s tweets below:

Don’t get me wrong. I’m a Nicki fan but that don’t mean I can let her near my kids (if I had any).I’m sure a lot of people don’ t agree with my opinion thats why I need all my Fuse Fam to please tell me what they think and who knows you might just win MTN RECHARGE CARD FROM ME.

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