Thursday 18 September 2014

Kim Kardashian Allegedly Blamed For Divorce Drama Between Nick Cannon And Mariah Carey

According to new reports Queen Kanye’s wife Kim is being accused as being at the center of the marital problems between Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey. According to Dish Nation, Mariah was apparently angry over Nick’s mention of Kim as one of the women he smashed in the past and therefore warned him never to bring up her name in public again.

Apparently frustrated by some other issues in their marriage, Nick apparently reached out to Kim Kardashian where he warned her that she might apparently get an angry call from Mariah. According to Dish Nation,
“Mariah will never admit it, but she’s jealous of Kim because Nick has always raved that she was his best lover and she had the best body of any woman he’s ever been with.”
“After Nick’s confession, Mariah turned on him. She warned Nick never to bring up Kim’s name in public again. But Nick couldn’t leave well enough alone.”

 “Nick made a bad situation worse. He and Mariah were fighting about other issues, and then Nick reached out to Kim to warn her that Mariah was on a rampage and that she might call to confront Kim.”
“Kim and Nick ended on good terms so she was sympathetic when he started crying about missing his kids and dreading a nasty divorce.”
“Mariah was keeping close tabs on Nick and the last straw for her was finding out that Nick was venting and airing their dirty laundry to Kim. Mariah is using Kim as a scapegoat and blaming her for wrecking she and Nick’s marriage.”

Ok people if this were to be true in anyway should Kim Kardashian be dragged into Nick and Mariah’s divorce mess? After all Nick is the one doing the reach out and not Kim. Share your thoughts in the comment section.

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