Tuesday 9 September 2014

Last-Minute Apple Rumor Roundup Before The BIG iPhone Announcement Today!

That’s why, believe it or not, we have even more last-minute, hail-mary Apple rumors to share as the countdown to tomorrow’s event expires. Put on your skeptical detective fedora and adjust your doubting investigator monocle, because some of these rumors are pretty juicy.

 iPhone launch date
Let’s start with the iPhone 6, which is rumored to come in 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch sizes for the phablet lovers out there. According to French website iGeneration, although the phones will be announced tomorrow, they won’t actually be available to consumers until Sept. 19. Making Apple fans wait an extra week to lay their hands on the new iPhone may seem like cruel and unusual punishment but, if true, this is pretty much par for the course with new Apple product launches.

iPhone X: What’s in a name?

Most rumors in the last few months have claimed that the names for the new iPhones will be the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6L, which, given the most recent iPhone naming conventions, sounds about right.
But a rumor floated on Monday by Japanese website Macotakara claims that the phones will actually be called the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. “6 Plus”? That sounds just unoriginal enough, and just pedestrian enough to be real. But really. “6 Plus”? We’re betting ‘no’ on this one, but Apple almost always offers a curveball at these events, so anything is possible. Suddenly, iPhone 6L sounds downright sexy.

The iWatch cometh — in pieces

Perhaps the most interesting rumor to emerge in the hours leading up to Apple’s launch event is the supposed uncovering of schematics of what looks like a watch-like device.
Posted on Reddit on Monday by a user called “OwenCarlyle,” the images, some of which are watermarked with the name of Quanta, an Apple supplier, look tantalizingly real. And, if you stare at the images long enough, and if you’re really as iWatch-obsessed as we are, a vision of what the iWatch might look like will begin to materialize in your mind.
Okay, not really. The truth? We hope these images are bogus, because even though we know Apple can’t defy the laws of physics, even the tiny glimpses of what may be an iWatch here are uninspiring.

Yes, glimpsing a corner of the Eiffel Tower and judging its design merit without seeing it at full scale is foolish, but hey, we told you this was a last-minute, crazy rumor zone, so we’re taking a little speculative license and hoping for more from Apple.
The post even goes on to claim knowledge of several rather specific details, namely: the device will have a mic, speaker, Siri functionality, a battery that lasts a day, a touch interface, will be waterproof, will come in eight models, four colors and two sizes and that Apple will being manufacturing the device in January.
Those are a lot of details to digest, and you’d be right to be skeptical. But even if the images and specs turn out to be bogus, you have to admit that these are at least pretty good guesses.
So there you have, just a little more Apple catnip to tide you over until tomorrow. You’re welcome.

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